
The first foreign immigrated married female officer from Jeon-buk Provincial Governmental Office

Ngo Le Van, who is from Vietnam, has recently started the supporting tasks for the multicultural families

The first foreign married immigrated governmental officer is born in Jeon-buk provincial governmental office. This issue is made by Ngo Le Van (31, Hyoja-dong, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si), who is from Vietnam.

Recently, she got into this job through recruitment for the contract workers and started her job at “the department of multicultural relationship” since April 8. She is from Hochimin city in Vietnam, graduated at national university with the degree in economics, and got married in 2006 with Korean. 

Currently she has a 6-year-old son and 3-year-old daughter. She has been usually very quiet person but passionate in terms of Korean studies and self-development, which resulted in the acquirement of 4-level in TOPIK.
The beginning of getting this job was her job as an interpreter/translator for the counseling program for the married immigrate females. She has shared the stories of the Vietnamese females due to the different language, culture, and/or other family abuses.

She commented her feelings as follows: “based on the experiences I have made in order to solve the problems with Vietnamese immigrated women by working 3 years in the center, I will be the voice of them to speak out whenever needed. Also, I will be the worker who can solve the conflicts in multicultural families.

She supports the stability of the multicultural families and she is in charge of the counseling and interpretation/translations. Mi-jeong Kim, the head of department of multicultural relationship, says that “Mrs. Ngo Le Van’s role is very significant for the immigrated people who are having difficulties in their marriage life. 

For this reason, if she does well in her jobs in terms of connecting the Jeon-buk province and the multicultural families, it will be very helpful to establish the multicultural policies”

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