
GGGI Wins an ODA-eligibility Status

1. The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), which became an international organization in 2012 under the leadership of the government of the Republic of Korea and with the support of the international community, was accorded an ODA (official development assistance)-eligibility status at the meeting of the Working Party on Statistics of the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) under the Organization for Cooperation and Development (OECD) in Paris, France, on June 13.

° The ROK, together with Norway, Denmark and Australia, had requested on February 28 that the OECD/DAC consider including the GGGI on the list of organizations eligible for ODA.

2. The status was granted to the one-year-old GGGI in recognition of its role in creating synergy effect in aid projects for developing countries by seeking cooperation among the public and private sectors of developed and developing countries and bringing together theories and practice in the green sector.

3. The fact that the GGGI became an ODA-eligible international organization reflects the international community’s recognition of the Institute as a full-fledged international organization that supports developing countries’ efforts to establish and implement green growth policies and counter climate change.

4. Financial contributions to the GGGI from countries will be counted as ODA contributions. An increasing number of donor countries are expected to take part in the GGGI activities, which, in turn, will likely contribute to its advancement toward a more stable organization.

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