The FSC formed a task force team in April this year to discuss how to improve financial institution’s corporate governance. The team will come up with a draft of measures to improve corporate governance in financial institutions by this week, based on what has been discussed from April to May 2013.
The FSC plans to hold a public hearing on the draft of measures on Monday, June 17 at 15:00 to gather opinions from experts from academia and financial institutions.
The discussion topic will cover how to reinforce functions of boards of directors; how to make outside board members better represent interests of shareholders and the public; and how to strengthen external checks on boards of directors.
Based on the opinions raised at the public hearing, the FSC will finalize the measures and proceed with follow-up measures.
[Public Hearing]
- Host: Financial Services Commission
- Time & date: June 17(Mon), 15:00-17:00
- Place: International conference room, Korea Federation of Bank(2F)
- Moderator: Professor Park Kyung-suh, Korea University
- Topic: Measures to improve financial institution’s corporate governance
- Discussion Panel: corporate governance experts from academia and financial industry
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