The United Nations Framework Conventions on Climate Change 19th Conference of the Parties concluded on November 24, and the need to quickly operationalize the Green Climate Fund (GCF) was reflected in the conference’s official decisions.
The decisions made at the 19th COP regarding long-term climate finance and the GCF are attached below:
Work Programme on Long-Term Finance
12. Decides to continue deliberations on long-term finance and requests the secretariat toorganize in-session workshops on, inter alia, strategies and approaches for scaling up climate finance referred to in paragraph 10, cooperation on enhanced enabling environments and support for readiness activities, and on needs for support to developing countries, from 2014 to 2020. Further requests the secretariat to prepare a summary of the workshops for consideration by the Conference of the Parties and to inform the ministerial dialogue referred to in paragraph 13;
13. Decides to convene a biennial high level ministerial dialogue on climate finance starting in 2014 and ending in 2020 and informed, inter alia, by the workshops referred to in paragraph 12 and the submissions referred to in paragraph 10. Further requests the presidency of the Conference of the Parties to summarize the deliberations of the dialogue.
Report of the Green Climate Fund to the Conference of the Parties and Guidance to the Green Climate Fund
11. Stresses the need to achieve full operationalization of the Green Climate Fund, and in this regard urges the Board to an expeditious implementation of its 2014 workplan,including elements of decision 6/CP.18;
12. Urges the Board to finalize as soon as possible the essential requirements to receive, manage, programme and disburse financial resources in line with the approved workplan of the Board so that the Green Climate Fund can commence its initial resource mobilization process as soon as possible and transition subsequently to a formal replenishment process;
13. Calls for ambitious and timely contributions by developed countries to enable an effective operationalization, including for readiness and preparatory support of the Green Climate Fund that reflects the needs and challenges of developing countries in addressing climate change in the context of preparing, by the twentieth session of the Conference of the Parties (December 2014), the initial resource mobilization process described in paragraph 12 above;
14. Underlines that initial resource mobilization should reach a very significant scale that reflects the needs and challenges of developing countries in addressing climate change;
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