
A daughter visits beloved father’s memorial

Kathleen Mischke, daughter of war veteran John Patrick Hughes, pays respects at Busan’s UN Memorial Park

On April 4, Kathleen Mischke came to Korea for the first time. In Busan’s UN Memorial Park in Korea, Mischke shed tears as she touched the monument where her father’s name was engraved along with the names of other fallen UN soldiers.

At the time of the Korean War, Mischke was a 6-year-old girl, but now as a silver-haired grandmother nearing the age of 70, she stood in front of the monument that bears her father’s name; John Patrick Hughes. Wanting to feel her father’s presence in this far off country, Mischke arrived at Busan Port with her husband David Mischke. After laying flowers on the monument, she said, “It’s sometimes very difficult to fight back tears, but this is an overwhelming experience. I’m grateful to the city and the citizens of Busan for their heartfelt welcome.”

The meeting was achieved thanks to efforts by World Korean Interchange and Cooperation Association and the Korea Veterans Association. Command Sergeant Major John Patrick Hughes was part of the UN Forces Second Division, 36th Regiment when he died during the Korean War, and this was a chance for Mischke to reunite with her father after more than 60 years.

“I’ve always wanted to visit Korea, the land where my father, who taught me how to roller skate and sing children’s songs, passed away,” Mischke said. “In the letters that he wrote back home during the war, he described Korea as a devastated country, but now it is a prosperous and beautiful nation. Like my father, many soldiers from all over the world sacrificed themselves to ensure that Korea enjoys the peace and prosperity it has now.”

Kathleen Mischke touches a memorial plaque that is inscribed with the name of her father, who was a Korean War veteran, on April 4.
Her husband David added, “We hope to bring our grandson, who has been studying Korean for two years now, to Busan as soon as we get the chance.”  Currently, the burial site of John Patrick Hughes is in Oregon.
There are almost 2,300 Korean War soldiers buried at UN Memorial Park in Busan.

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UN Memorial Park was created in 1951, and there are remains of fallen soldiers from 11 countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Turkey and the Netherlands.  
The national flags of 21 nations that participated in the Korean War fly at the park to commemorate their spirit of sacrifice and their defense of freedom for eternity.
About 300,000 people of Busan visit the UN Memorial Park on Memorial Day in Korea (June 6) to pay their respects. Every April, 200 war veterans from the Commonwealth countries are invited to Busan.

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